Chris Szedlak

Staff profile

Senior Lecturer (Research) in Strength and Conditioning

Hartpury Tile Card Dark

Career Overview

I worked for over 13 years as an applied S&C coach with elite level athletes (i.e., Olympic World Champions) from a variety of different sports including sailing, goalball, wheelchair basketball, cricket and rugby. Now working in academia gives me the chance to build upon my research interest which focuses on developing psychosocial competencies in S&C coaches using innovative qualitative research methods. I work closely with the UKSCA to implement such competencies in their curriculum. I am also a tutor and assessor for the UKSCA. Some of the highlights of my career are presenting at times as keynote speaker at prestigious conferences such as the NSCA, UKSCA annual conferences and Global Coach Conference (ICCE). More recently, I have also been involved in areas of sport management focusing on evaluating physical exercise initiatives to impact on social change with Active Essex local delivery pilot.

Teaching and supervision

I am the programme lead for the MSc in Strength and Conditioning and I teach/lead the following modules:

  • Applied Practice in Strength and Conditioning
  • Contemporary Issues in Strength and Conditioning
  • Professional Practice in Strength and Conditioning
  • Postgraduate and Undergraduate Dissertation

Sport degrees

Student Running On Treadmill